Hellinger’s blind spot

….the purpose of the child’s attachment to a family system and the necessity of detachment to become an adult.

From the first moment I got acquainted with Bert Hellinger’s work through a videotape of Karl Auer Verlag, I was struck by his view of the relationship between parents and children. I was intrigued by the apparent beneficial effect of the child’s bow before the parents. I was fascinated and annoyed by it, in particular, of course, because of my relationship with my own parents, with whom I still had a bone to pick. Verder lezen “Hellinger’s blind spot”

Jung’s Neurosis

In these days of rampant neuroses, neurotic beliefs and identities, and neurotic organisations and governments, this wonderful autobiographical story by C.G. Jung has lost none of its topicality. He sketches in colourful, crystal-clear and highly reflective images an important event of his own childhood, in 1887. A beautifully authentic story from Jung’s 1961 autobiography, ‘Memories, Dreams, Reflections’. Verder lezen “Jung’s Neurosis”